Sunday, April 25, 2010

How much is a dermatologist, I want to get rid of my stubborn blackheads?

My blackheads in my nose won't go no matter what I try and I want to go to a dermatologist but I don't know how much in will cost in the UK because I don't think I'd be covered on the NHS so I'd have to go private I think.How much is a dermatologist, I want to get rid of my stubborn blackheads?
i dunno about dermatologists i would like to find out as well. I'm a guy so its harder for us because you have makeup and all that to hide it.How much is a dermatologist, I want to get rid of my stubborn blackheads?
it could be a hormonal thing like it is with me, im currently seeing an endocrinologist, but i would say this, be thankful for ur natural oily skin it will save u a lot of moisturising and u will age better, we're lucky, blackheads arent that big of a deal, use the strips u can get in the shops, then clean and clear blackhead daily wash u can get in the Uk im from there too, it helps a lot :-) blackheads can be covered easily with make up too - try non oily foundations u can get anywhere too. Seeing a dermatologist is Ok but to be honest they'll just tell u the same and keep u waiting for ages.

sometimes its genetic - get ur cortisol levels checked.

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